Sunday, July 25, 2010

you're gonna miss this...

miss madelyn grace. sleeping. my arm is sweaty and aching, but she is soooo comfortable (and has been for almost an hour and a half). part of me is ready to hand her over to her daddy or to put her in her bed (but since she shares a room with charlotte and she's still up talking to, and the other part of me cannot believe how big she's gotten. how soon she won't want to lay with me like this. i already miss charlotte cuddling up with me to fall asleep.

a little perspective, here... some days, i cannot wait until bedtime. until the crying and whining stops for a few hours. until i can finally sit down, relax, and just breathe. and then other times i know that these are the best days. even with the crying and whining. because most of the time, my girls are the sweetest, most adorable, kindest children i know. charlotte says things that speak directly to my heart. and mady has these huge, face consuming smiles that stop me in my tracks. and i can't help but know how blessed i am. how much i love them. how i wouldn't trade them for the world. but part of me is so sad because i know that these little girls are going to grow up and not want to snuggle with their mommy. heck, some days they won't even want to be in the same room as me. i understand all that. i just don't know why it's gotta' go so fast...

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Erica! Glad you've found me and commented! I've got you bookmarked and will check in with you again!
